Wednesday, October 30

Senaman untuk KURUS

Semua orang ingin mempunyai bentuk badan yang langsing. So exercise jenis apa yang sesuai untuk kurus?

 Dipetik dari sini.


  1. Ease into exercising. If you aren’t already in the habit, diving headfirst into a strenuous exercise regimen will cause burnout at best and physical injury at worst. Instead of setting yourself back even further by biting off more than you can chew, start slowly. Begin walking for exercise and find small ways to incorporate more movement into your daily routine. For example, you might:
    • Bike or walk instead of driving. Don't use the drive-thru. Alternatively, walk to some form of public transportation. To motivate yourself, just think of all the money you’re saving on gas. If you do drive, park farther away from your destination than necessary. Park at the outermost edge of the grocery store parking lot. Better yet, park a few blocks away from your office building and force yourself into two 15-minute walks every day.
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    • Clean your house or tend to your yard. Housework is more physically taxing than it seems: scrubbing, dusting, raking, weeding, and mowing are great ways to burn calories without eating up any of your free time. On top of that, your sparkling clean house will help motivate you to tackle other projects – such as losing weight.
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    • Pay inside the gas station instead of at the pump.
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    • Be restless. Tap your foot, sway back and forth, rap your fingers, and fidget with nearby items. Instead of standing still while waiting for things, pace pack and forth. (To be less conspicuous, walk around and explore the space around you; look at photos, see the view out the window, go to the drinking fountain, etc.)
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    • Use a stability ball instead of sitting on a chair. Bounce on it or just sit and keep you’re your balance (making sure to keep your back straight and abs firm).
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    • Take the stairs instead of the elevator or escalator.
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    • Walk the dog (or offer to walk your neighbor's) and play with it at the park. This doubles as a way to meet new people.
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    • Have more sex. In addition to burning more calories, this can boost your immune system, increase your pain threshold, and help you live longer.[2]
      set kurus shaklee, bersenam untuk kurus
  2. Start an exercise regimen. Jogging or running around the area you live is one of the cheapest ways to lose weight. (You can also run on the treadmill if you have one.) If you don’t like the monotony of jogging, take up dancing or a sport or join a fitness group (paid or free) to expand your social circle and develop a sense of exercise camaraderie. Begin by exercising a set number of days a week and gradually increase the number, length, and intensity of the sessions. Though you should try to tailor your workouts to your own tastes and fitness level as much as possible, there are types of workout that that everyone should do:
    • Strength-training, which can be done by lifting weights, using resistance bands, or using your own body weight, burns calories while building strength and muscle. Better still, it can increase your metabolism; the more muscles you have, the more calories you burn when you’re at rest.[3] If going to the gym isn’t for you, try strength-training at home. If you’re on a budget, replace hand-held weights with cans.
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    • Cardio burns calories while improving circulation and endurance. One of the best possible forms of cardio is interval training, which is simply alternating between low- and high-intensity activity (ex. 10-minute stints of jogging or brisk walking interspersed by 2-minute sprints). This is not only an especially effective way to improve heart health and endurance, but also takes effect much faster than other forms of cardio.[4]
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  3. Vary your workout. As you gets comfortable performing a certain activity, you learn to do it more efficiently, making it easy for you to plateau in your workouts. However, this doesn’t mean you should skip around between exercise styles without mastering any of them. Allow yourself eight to sixteen weeks to get the most out of a particular workout (or level of workout) before moving on.[5] When you do, try something new like:
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    Keep yourself motivated by remembering all the other benefits of exercising. Exercising is one of the absolute best ways to sleep better at night[6] – which, incidentally, can also help you lose weight by keeping you from overeating.[7] On top of that, good cardiovascular health has been linked to a decreased risk of Alzheimer’s.[8] Even a change as minor as walking briskly for twenty to thirty minutes a day five days a week can improve your immune system by increasing both your antibody and T-killer cell response.[9]

  • Set a target weight for a specific occasion, i.e. a friend's wedding in which you're a bridesmaid.
  • To prevent yourself from getting discouraged, give yourself a small reward at the end of each day.
  • Instead of allowing yourself to become frustrated or depressed with your current weight, use it as a motivational tool. While you exercise, think: "Someone called me chubby and I didn't like it. Pretty soon, people will be telling me that I look like I’ve lost weight!"
  • Drink at least 8-10 glasses of water each day – or more of you work out intensely. This helps flush metabolic wastes to keep your metabolism in top shape.[10] It may help to carry a metal water bottle around with you at all times. This will help remind you to drink, is cheaper than purchasing drinks whenever you get thirsty, and is better for the environment.

If you're interested to try out the Slimming Product by SHAKLEE, do inform us!

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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